Narok South
Narok South constituency is one of the largest constituencies that make up Narok county. It boarder Narok west constituency to the west, Narok north constituency to the east, Nakuru county to the north and the republic of Tanzania to the south, the constituency occupies a total area of 5113.3 km2.
Narok South Constituency County Assembly Wards
- Loita
- Maji-moto/Naroosura
- Ololulunga
- Melelo
- Sogoo
- Sagamian
Agricultural Activities
The main crops grown in the constituency are wheat, maize, beans and horticultural crops. This crops are grown under rain fed and micro irrigation. Wheat and maize are grown as cash crops and are the highest income earning cash crop in the constituency. There are three categories of farmers in the constituency namely small scale, medium scale and large scale farmers.
Livestock rearing is another main economic activity in the constituency, this is mainly practiced by the maasai community who owns large parcels of land and are also the larger population in the constituency. Sheep and goats are also part of the livestock reared boosting the economy of the constituency.
Education is a prerequisite ingredient to development. In spite of this the sub sector continues to face numerous challenges of staffing, increase school drop outs in primary and secondary, low transition rate, inadequate learning facilities and high cost of education in secondary and post-secondary education. This has led to inadequate skills needed to participate in economic development of the constituency.
According to the district educational officer the registered number of primary school is 246 public schools and 86 secondary schools.
Health Facilities
The health facilities in the constituency are said to be 20 dispensaries registered by the sub county in Narok South, Ololulunga district hospital is the biggest of health facility in the constituency.